Super Mario Bros. New Custom Art Kit
It's a challenge when you mess with the design of a classic arcade cabinet. Some cabinets are so beloved that even the slightest hint of change could rub collectors the wrong way. For this very reason, if there is an alteration, it better be good.
We've accepted that challenge and have created a new Super Mario Brothers custom art kit for a VS SMB board.
We'll let the pictures do the talking:
The original design wasn't anything Special. Nintendo used the same side art and Control panel for all of the Vs. games. We wanted something unique!
The old, boring design on the left and our fresh, re-imagined artwork on the right
The artwork pictured is made to fit a standard Nintendo cab. If you're interested in using this kit on a different cabinet, email us at sales@escapepodonline.com. We have a fantastic art team who can bring any idea to life for you next project!
Here are a few of our favorite resources relating to Super Mario Bros:
Evolution of Mario
History of Super Mario Bothers
Nintendo's Revised History of Super Mario Bros